Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The confession

Dear diary

I am a murderer and this is my confession.

First of all, I want you to know I was not always this way. I was not always a murderer and a cold blooded person. I was born and raised in a beautiful warm normal environment. My life was okay up to the point that is was not anymore. I was taught to look at the positive direction until there was nothing positive to look at, I was taught to never lose hope until hope was the last thing to lose. I was taught to believe in God even when nothing seems to be working out. I was taught that I had a destiny until I realized I make my own destiny.

From the moment I was born, from the moment I started to understand and comprehend the complexes of life, i  was taught and reassured that I have a part to play in this world. It doesn’t matter what that part is but it is important for the world to be a better place. I was given hopes, I was given knowledge on how I can perfectly play that part. But somewhere along the lines I lost my family. Not that they were gone but they lost connection with me, they didn’t see me or what I was going through.

Sometimes it felt like I was drowning in an ocean, and every day that goes by I was sinking deeper and deeper in the ocean of loneliness and confusion and they did not notice. Even when I try to tell them they would look me with confused faces wondering what I am struggling over when they are all doing just fine not knowing that I was trying so hard to keep my head above the water.

Then one day I fell in love with a boy, he loved me or so I like to think, he became my source of comfort, he was there for me, he understood me and listened to me. He was my only chance of hope, my only chance at redemption until one day he decided he would not talk to me anymore. At some point I knew that was going to happen because he was the light and I was the dark... the two could never meet, I just didn’t know it was going to be so soon. But now that it was here I could not shake off the feeling that I was never enough for him, that no matter how hard I tried I just could never be enough. I had imagined this pain several times but I was wrong, this was more than I had ever imagined.

Then when the pain ended I became empty. I didn’t know what to feel and I needed to feel something to know I was alive, I began to cut myself, enthralled by what the razor could do. I am addicted to the pain and when it is not there I have to create it. I hurt myself, sometimes I have no idea how deeply I do it, but without it my body feels like a lonely temporary container that I happen to be borrowing.

I never tried to hurt anyone consciously, but every time I stand naked in front of my mirror, the scars on my body remind me of the demons i fought at 3 am when everyone was sleeping, the insecurities and the lonely nights, the depressions and the feelings of rejections I couldn’t contain, they also remind me how I have changed, how self centered and cruel I have grown to be. I have become the kind of person who could use a lame excuse to inflict pain on a person I cared for a wound that would never heal.

The jovial funny girl who used to have lots of friends no longer exist, the girl who used to spend weekends in the library now spends it in the bathroom thinking of the way to make pain more painful, the girl who could not hurt a fly now enjoys to inflict pain on herself and others, the brave girl I used to see in the mirror is a distant memory that no longer exist.

Dear diary, am a murderer, I killed the girl I used to be.