Sunday, October 11, 2015

A letter to the step daughter I never met

Dear Beyonce,

Before we kissed good bye, your father asked me if i could do one last thing for him. He asked me to write you a letter to tell you how to be a good woman, a woman like myself. Well, I am honored that out of all people he asked me to write you this letter, but honestly I don’t know what to tell you. Probably because I have never been a mother (but I hope to be some day), and it is really difficult to tell anyone how to be a good version of yourself while you clearly know at one time or another the worst version of your self did exist too; so instead am going to tell you all the things I wish someone told me before, all the things mothers should share with their daughters.

First of all, I want you to know you’re not a mistake, your father told me you have never gotten over the fact that your mother walked out on you when you were just a baby. I don’t know why she did what she did but I do know there is nothing more precious to your father than you. He would give up absolutely anything to see you happy. I have seen great dads, (my own father being one of them) but I have never seen before a single dad who would choose to raise a nine month baby on his own. Most men would just choose the easier way, and run. So darling enough with beating up yourself about what your mama did, enough with hating her, I know you might think that in hating her you are hurting her, but the truth is you are not, hate is a curved in blade, and it hurts you more that it hurts the people you hate. From today start counting your blessings, look at how lucky you are to have a wonderful father and how lucky you are that you went to the best schools and you are smart and talented and most f all the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

Baby girl, I wish you spend as much time as possible on being happy when you are still young. Get excited about the little things around you, get excited about wearing a new pair of shoes, about Sunday outing with your friends about that new guy who smiled at you on your way to church, about finding an extra shilling in your pocket that you had forgotten about because as you grow up, passions fade and the enthusiasm get mistaken for foolishness, so don’t let anyone or anything get in your way of happiness. If you want a nice body, go to the gym and get it (your father is an expert in that), if you want to  be a doctor (yes your father told me you want to be a doctor), study your ass off to get to your goal, if you want a nice hair style pick a style and get it done, never stop to motivate yourself, never stop trying new things, because your happiness is out there waiting for you and no one will bring it to you, so you have to find it and be happy. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

We are all here for a purpose, we are all here for a reason, growing up my parents had opinions on what I should do, what I should study, what I should wear and who I should become. But darling I want you to know, your purpose in this world might not make sense to many people, not even to your dad.  You may tell it to your friends and they my laugh at you not because it is something bad but it because they don’t understand it. I want you to follow what your heart want you to do and do it with all your heart. It does not matter what others say, as long as your true to your heart desires and your energy and intentions are pure you can become anything you want to be.

My dear, as women it is our duty to balance intelligence, femininity and divinity. The three are like the cooking stones, if you miss one you can never cook with two. And yeah I know When you’re smart and many people will think you’re a bitch, may be they will call you names, some names will come to your attention some will not, but never let these intimidate you from being the best version of yourself. Be confident so that all other woman and daughters will look up to you. Always remember you are a work in progress, you are still under construction and no matter what mistakes you do today I pray you learn and grow from them but never should they stop you from being a star you are meant to be. A woman without God is a woman who has lost direction; do not ever lose your faith in God, no matter what other people tell you or how bad the situation seem to be.

Baby girl, now let’s talk about that important part of your life that you may never be able to discuss it with your father and your father will never be able to advice you on it; boys. Darling, there will always be women out there who are better that you, who are smarter than you and who have more money than you, but if you find that right person, if you find that missing piece of the puzzle you will never have to worry about him finding someone else. I am not saying the journey to find this man is going to be easy, no...! it is never easy, you will have to kiss a lot of frogs before you can meet that one frog who  will turn into a prince. your sweet heart will be broken along the way, there are going to be days when you won’t have the energy to get out of bed, the days that you will want to give up and put a stop to everything, the days that you will think your life has no meaning, the thing is no matter what, you are not allowed to give up. You are given life you are supposed to live it. Get out of town, cry yourself to sleep, curse, do anything to get that pain out of you but never give up on life or love.  We are not meant to stay wounded; we are not meant to stay in pain so move through your tragedies and challenges and help others who may need your help.

Even after all this I am sure there is a day that you will meet one person. A person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and you will know their love it true. They will love you with every bit of energy and soul, they will say all the right words at the right time, they will surrender and give you so much that it scares you, but darling I want to let you in on a little secret that I had to learn the hard way. Some people are good at being in love and others at love. Yeah, I know you think they are the same thing but they are not, being in love is the romantic part of a relationship, sex all the time , the jokes, the laughs the fun the long conversations with no pauses about all the crazy things, overwhelming separation anxiety and all the best sides of both of you. But true love begins when the excitement of being in love starts to fade; life stress sets in the butterflies disappears the sex becomes a chore, the tears and sadness become your guests, the never stop arguments become part of your life, in short the worst part of person becomes real. If you still want each other after all this then I will be happy to welcome him home when he asks for your hand in marriage.

So my dear, before you bring him home, before you introduce him to you father, see him scared, see him in despair and wanting, see him sick, see him bankrupt, see him stressed, stress changes a person. Find out what he does in his free time, find out what he does when he think he can get away with it, find out if he has an addiction and see if he puts you in front of it. Find out if he drinks, get him drunk and see how he behaves, my dear let no one deceive you, you can never change a person if they do not decide to change themselves. At times you have to make the tough decisions and burn the bridges so that you don’t cross them again. And yeah it is never easy, it’s like when you get your tooth pulled out. The process is painful and even though after a while you will be relieved that the pain has ended, there will be many times when your tongue will run itself over the spot where the tooth once was; Countless times may be, just because it’s no longer hurting it does not mean you do not notice its absence. But should you have kept the tooth?? No!! It was causing you pain it had to be removed. So baby girl, don’t be afraid to cut ties with anyone who causes you more pain than happiness.

 Last but not least Beyonce, in the end everything will be okay, well not everything but most things. Sometimes you will put up a really good fight and loose, sometime you will hold on to something for so long and at the end you will realize you have to let it go. It’s okay to let it go. All I want for you is at the end of the day you can look back and be proud that you gave it your all. Nothing protects the heart like patience. Don’t get your hopes up too fast, don’t allow your fears to speak too loud and don’t give your doubts too much time.

Endless love