Monday, September 9, 2013

The dark side

Dear diary,

There is darkness inside each and every one of us. There is a dark side of everyone, the side that we rarely let people see.  Some of us use it as a shield to hide behind, as something that will prevent us for further painful experiences of our daily encounters while others use it as an excuse to do things that will leave the rest of us puzzled. Our dark side is part of our souls that is damaged by trials and at-tribulations of our daily lives. But what is darkness anyway? For those who are expert in science may define it as a situation where there is absence light but for those of us who are familiar with it in our daily life will define it as a period where the past no longer illuminate the future while others will assure you that darkness is subjective; it depends on ones view point and there is no such thing as darkness but failure to see.

Scientist say that light travel faster than anything else in this world, what they seem to miss is every time the light arrive at it destination it finds darkness waiting for it to arrive. The same thing with our lives today, before you get to know the goodness of something you must dwell in trouble having to live without it. Sometimes we find ourselves in a very dark corner and we don’t know how we ended up in that place of how to find light. In this darkness we may find others who are also struggling with their own darkness and sometimes we lose people who are important to us when struggling to find our way towards the light. It is never  easy to fight darkness since it does not leave us as soon as we believe it will, maybe it is because as we dwell longer in our darkness we get used to it and we forget the importance on of light.

If you have been in the darkness and you have dwelled in your darkness long enough then you know how difficult it was for you to take a first step towards the light. Perhaps it is because we both know there are two possibilities when you decide to take a step, either you step on something solid and in to the light of a fall it the deeper darkness that will force you to believe that it wasn't the light that you were looking for but the certainty that there is only darkness in this world.  Either way there are times when we must decide to take the risky to find light and all its beauty, some will say the decision to find the light is not due to the goodness and the beauty of light itself but because we are terrified with what might be in the darkness.

Dear diary, when we list expect it life set us a challenge to test us, it doesn't care the kind of test it set before us because every creature who has life must at some point prove that they are worthy of the life that they posses. This test might take you from the light into your darkness of the vice vesa. In those moments there is no need to pretend that nothing has happened but to own the situation and find our way out.

In my struggle to find my own light I have come to realization that most of us get used to live in darkness until something flips the switch. It is easier to pretend that the darkness in us does not affect than to find the courage to fight it. You can always say or pretend you are not hurt but the stones you stumbled in when trying find your way through the dark. But someday when you are alone lying in your bed and you begin to re-examine your life, you will begin to silently grieve for you own cowardice. This will continue until you decide to take a step towards the light risking everything over and over again until you find it.

Darkness even though considered bad it has important role to play in all our lives. Without it would have been impossible to appreciate the light and everything it has to offer. for today let me end here...see you soon.

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