Monday, September 16, 2013

Modern slavery

Dear diary,

If one believes that words are acts then one should hold writers responsible for what they write. But then words are not acts, a lot of people misuse the words, they say what they don’t mean and they mean what they don’t say. There are those who use words to bend you to do what they want you to do. To make you their slaves, others make you sign a lot of papers to ensure you work as they want you to... stepping on your rights with everything they got just because they could hold you by the rules they bent to serve their interests.

Education is the key of life, it holds your future... it is the best thing you can acquire from your parent. We all at some point have heard such phrases when we were growing up. They gave us purpose to go to school hoping for the better future. When at school we strive to be the best, studying so hard with a hope of having a better future. I personally have spent more than half of my life getting the so called education hoping for the best in the future; but now I know getting education is a bit like a communicable sexual disease, it makes everyone who participates in it unsuitable for a lot of jobs forcing you to become a slave of one profession.

A better future is all we hope for when we go through a lot of books and exams that to prove we deserve it. We deserve a better place, a better job and a better salary; little do we know that we are trained to become modern slaves. We complete our education and start searching for employments, listing all our talents and skills and then we get employed somewhere. On that day you become happy thinking we have landed a golden cow, you sign a contract agreement (sometimes we don't even read it) hoping it will work in your favor  but the moment you do that you sell your freedom and you are locked in a cage of laws and rules made by your employer. We become modern slaves bound by contracts instead of chains forced to work to please our employers just like our forefathers.

Dear diary, I want you to deliver this message to one of my best friends who has hit crossroads, wondering if his carrier will lead him to be who he wants to be. I want you to make sure he gets it. Tell him that life plans are not always tied up in neat little packages. Maybe it’s because there are people in it who have domineering personalities, people who will use words or contracts to make sure they bend him to do what they want him to do. They are predators who prey on gentleness, peace, calmness, sweetness and any positivity that they sniff out as weakness. They will befriend him, give him favors  show him kindness and even praise him if he fit the description of what they think is weak and they can control. It makes them feel strong and important. But he is not weak, he is the strongest person I know and he should not let anyone no matter who s/he is to force him into something he does not want to become.

We all at some point meet such kind of people, but it is not them who matters but how we free ourselves from them. Freeing our selves is never easy, and in attempt to get the freedom we desire we might we find ourselves at unexpected crossroads with more than one opportunity to choose, sometime it can mean choosing which group of people to disappoint. These choices may be unbelievable hard but they are never impossible. He does not have to do what he does not want. No one has to make him a modern slave, no one has to tell you when or where to spend your holiday. I want him to know in the space between YES and NO there is a lifetime. It is the difference between the path he walks and the one he live behind; it’s the gap between whom he thought he could be and who he really is; it is a legroom for lies and excuses that he will tell him self in the future. May be he will say he had no choice. But he has a choice, there is always a choice, and it’s never too late to make the right choice...... and that's it for today!!

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