Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Ghost of my own making

Dear diary

They say life is too short for regrets that you don't have to spend your future or your presents on regrets, but how can one live without regrets? Does it mean they never done anything regrettable or they just pretend not to care? Everyday we make choices, it can be consciously or unconsciously and in this process we  may find our selves making the wrong choices, choices we are not proud of, it can be wrong choices on relationships, wrong life choices, getting drunk or may be making a fool you're yourself.  There are times in our lives we have made decisions that hurt those we loved and even hurt ourselves on other occasions. These decisions left scars in us, scars that remind us of what we did, of what we didn't do and of what we could have done better. These scars can never be removed nor can they be covered by whatever good deed you decide to do today. They will always be part of you.

There are days, times in our lives that certain things could have happened to us, make us happier or better but somehow they didn’t. There a lot of magic moments that were taken by the wind when we were hoping for a better time to make things happen, little did we know the hand of destiny will change everything leaving us full of regrets with lost time that we will never regain. When I look at myself, I have a number of scars with me, for the wounds that were caused by people who were close to me, for the things that I did to myself and to others, for the time I wasted with the wrong people and mostly for the things that I didn't do when I had time to do. These scars are stuck with me and somehow have become part of me, reminding me of all the opportunities I lost to being a better person.

One of my biggest regrets was when I failed to make the right choice on May this year. I was to choose between spending the most memorable part of my life with the son of the retired general on May or sometime in the future. I choose the future, not because I didn't want to but because somehow I thought I should wait for the right time when both of us were free, may be with no or little pressure from the outside world, little did I know the circumstances will conspire against me making such an occasion impossible. Every day I wish I had one more chance to make things right, to go back in time and maybe just maybe things would have turned around differently. I walk around try to understand why I went wrong and I know my mistake was to think that I had forever with him. My mistake was to think he will always be here with me….and now that he is gone I cannot help but regret for the chances I lost..For the good times that we would have had, good memories that would have kept me alive in times like these where I have so little to hold on to.

Some people may say it’s a waste of time to regret for the times we cannot recover. That it is useless to spend time looking back thinking about what you should have done right, that the past is gone but the future is everything you want it to be. But to me that is not the case, it’s not my past that is dead, its my future. My past still live with me but my future is dead without him.

Dear diary, it’s not my intention to scare you but to make you learn from my mistakes. If you get a chance to spend quality time with someone you really love, never take it for granted, never let it go easily, it may be your very last chance and if it is you will be forced to deal with lifetime regrets. You might have options but always remember when you choose one you lose other choices which you may never regain, so be careful when you make those choices.  And that is it for today..see you tomorrow…

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