Friday, September 6, 2013

Thank you note...

Dear diary,

Am sure you have heard a lot concerning the word disability and the many definitions that people attach to it. The word disability define is self. It suggests the inability to do something. A lot of people use it when referring to physical disabilities such as the inability to hear or walk or see or do other things. But have you ever wondered if there is a term that refers to those who cannot feel or talk about their feelings? What about those people who find it hard to form close relationship with people who surround them every day? What about those who cannot bring themselves to trust any living creature? Or what about those who cannot manage their feelings in a constructive way? Those who cannot find fulfillment in their lives or those who have been broken so many times that makes it hard for them to believe in love again, those who live in disappointments, anger and bitterness?

Every day that passes by someone is struggling with something somewhere, but most of us don’t seem to care. May be it’s because their pain does not affect us or cannot be seen by our naked eyes. But these struggles can cripple some of us especially if we will not at one point decide to own our pain and confront our own night mares.

Confronting ones feeling and giving them appropriate expression is not something easy. It not something that anyone can do. Lots of people consider emotions as weakness, something that should not be seen or known to others. They hide it hoping time will heal the pain not knowing having someone to talk to or somewhere where you can express your self could make everything so much easier. Confronting feelings needs a lot of strength since it takes so much courage to acknowledge our losses, anger and feelings of resentments. In many occasions more strength is needed to curb the aggressive urges that came hand to hand with these ill feelings and channel them into non destructive outlets. It takes courage to face our sadness, to grieve and to let our anger flow in tears when they need to. In such times we all need people who will be holding us close telling us it going to be okay. Otherwise these feelings cripple us and make us unable to be the people we were meant to be.

 Sometimes when you are standing in the forest of sorrow, anger and disappear you forget the person you are and you lose you way all together. You cannot imagine how you could possibly find your way to where you were going or even know where you were going. You begin to wonder if it is possible to find light in the midst of the darkness that surround you. But if you happen to meet someone whom can share your sorrows with and may be work together to find your way back, it brings you hope. It makes you realize that even if life is full of darkness there might be so light in it, even if storms come to pass if you hold on long enough you will see the sun shine again.

Most of us believe in the better future, some will call this hope. We admire the strength of those who have been in their darkest hour and found their way to happiness once more. They give us hope that we too can one day say “I did it”. We respect their strength and their perseverance, desire it to ourselves and wish it for our children. Hope is good; it gives you the courage to move forward, keeping you moving on even when things are difficult. But sometimes when you have too much hope to something that the circumstances will never let you win, hope becomes a dangerous and painful thing.

Dear diary, you have been there for me all the way, giving me strength to face my pain, you have given me hope and the strength to accept the feeling of not knowing where I am or where I am going. And for that, am thankful.see you soon 

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