Thursday, November 14, 2013

Are You Tired Of Dealing With Hypocrites? – It’s Time to Let Go

If you are like me, chances are that you detest hypocrites and basically do not approve of anything they advocate, say or mutter under any circumstance. Of course, there is something nauseating about hypocrites, something that simply puts a person off, something more like pure mediocrity. Chances are that you’ve encountered a hypocrite in your life or you simply one of them but can’t tell. In as much as I have my own reservations, my saving grace lies in the fact that I have a liberal kind of mind. I try as much not to lean on one side when making objective arguments. However, I haven’t been completely impartial and inadvertently, more often than not, allow my human nature to catch up with me.

I am under the presumption that everyone knows who a hypocrite is. Of course an encounter with a hypocrite be it a friend, an acquaintance or a family member is never a pleasant one. In my opinion, it’s a game changer especially when exhibited by a person you always considered as a friend, a lover or someone who was in the inner core of your cabinet (if you know what I mean). In layman terms, a hypocrite is that person who is two-faced or exhibit what I refer to as double standards. This is an individual who says one thing in public but end up doing the opposite in private. 

They would tell a person or a group of people one thing and end up telling the opposite to another. They are masters of seeking favors, always saying what you want to hear and consistently holding a different opinion when with different people. A hypocrite is that kind of person who says different things to two different people with the hope of being accepted by both. Now I don’t know if you have a problem with that but I surely do. Hypocrites can be annoying, blood suckers, and more often than not take your intelligence for granted. They lie to achieve their own whimsical twisted ambitions and before they know it, the lies they tell become their lives.

Some might put forth that we are all hypocrites; that we all say things that we do not espouse or follow. Mildly, that could be true. The truth of the matter is no single person needs to entertain a hypocrite in their life. You must be objective, you need to choose friends you can trust, friends you can depend on with your life and quit entertaining friends who laugh with you during the day but stab you in the back the very chance they get. It’s painful when you find out that someone is stuck in a hypocrisy rut. Always lying and twisting people emotionally for their own good. 

Such friends will play the victim card; exploit your emotions to the extent that you inadvertently become their puppets. You live under the illusion that they are your close friends, individuals you can fall back to or simply that lovely friend you can seek comfort during rough times. The truth of the matter is that they are good at character assassination, always talking ill of you to someone else and coming back to you saying how bad the other person is. Such people never take responsibility for their short comings and are always more than ready to point an accusing finger. They come with a bag full of excuses, they never grow up, they are in a dangerous cycle, a cycle that slowly consumes and ultimately blinds them into believing that what they are doing is right.

They have become the ultimate pretenders, are adept at sowing seeds of discord and painting the image of holier than though. If you have one of such friends or lover, its time you let go. I always say that there is no need having a person in your life who does not add value to you. There is no need having someone who undermines you every chance he gets, speaks ill of you every chance he gets and tries to get favor in the eyes of everyone. The truth is you can’t make everyone happy. Sooner or later, people will learn what you truly are. I mean, if you can’t be true to your friends, always assassinating their character, what more do you stand for?

I am tired of hypocrites who talk of loving and providing service to others when all they do is love and serve themselves. You need to say no to friends who only share in your joys but disappear when you are facing difficulties. You need to say goodbye to friend who have perfected the art of double speak, friends whose sole goal in life is arm twisting, friends who laud your successes during the day but demonize the same during the night. You need people around you that you can trust, friends or lovers you can depend on when the going gets tough, friends who can go out of their way just to see you happy.

I know sometimes it’s difficult to tell a hypocrite. Most of the times, they have managed to arm-twist you, to make you believe in their false promises and causes. However, you must not resign yourself and lend credence to their false masks. You need to analyze, ascertain and determine who your true friends are. If you are a hypocrite and you are stuck in the rut, its time you became true to yourself. Aspire to live for something or you will die for nothing. The good thing is that every hypocrite has an end game. You cannot keep living a lie among your friends forever. At some point, the truth will come out. If you realize a friend, a lover or someone you consider close is a hypocrite, the logical thing to do is distance yourself from them. After all, they never were really your friends, they simply were your enemies clothed in friends attire. Say no to hypocrites today! It’s my sincere hope that hypocrites can indeed change. It’s never too late!

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