experience has taught me is that one of the most difficult things to let go is
our past. It’s as if it’s a heavy yoke that keeps dragging us down every time
we move forward. Sometimes we are still stuck in the joys of the past and
therefore hold on wishing to relieve it someday. Sometimes we just cannot bring
ourselves to admitting that it’s a part of us that do more harm than good. We find
ourselves entangled in a web difficult to escape. Denial and false hope become
our daily partaking. We look at other happy couples, watch our lives get wasted
before our very own eyes as we are busy chasing the wind. What we seldom realize
is that the past has a way of making the present come to a standstill. As we
are busy bemoaning what happened in our past, our present also suffers a
beating. We fail to take notice of the opportunities before our very own eyes, fail to hijack the same opportunities, waste
golden chances at redeeming ourselves and inadvertently end up a mere shell of
our former selves.
is it about the past that we find difficult letting go? Why do we always hang
on the joys etched somewhere in our memories? We have basically become masters
of rewind buttons. We like replaying the good moments, the good times, the once
in a lifetime happenings. What we fail to realize is that there is a reason why
every single one of us has a past. The astonishing thing about people who are
stuck in the past is that they are engaged in a certain kind of zeal that would
be more portent had it been channeled towards bettering their future. Was your
heart left wounded? Did you lose a loved one you can’t bring yourself to
admitting? Did you lose your property, everything you ever lived for and are
now destitute? Were you a high flying executive but now has nothing to show for
it? Have you been a victim of a job dismissal? Have you found yourself out of
school because you can no longer pay for your school fees?
not; do not lose hope because there is a reason as to why things happen the way
they do. Yeah right, I know the saying is kind of old but then, the truth of
the matter is that we all are aloof to the mechanisms of life. We keep seeking
for answers but rarely get them. What do we do in the end? You guessed it right.
We come up with what we think best suits the situations. We come up with
reasons, excuses and find pleasure and comfort in apportioning blame to others.
If only people realized that some things are best left untouched, some
questions best left unquestioned and some roads best uncharted, then and only
then can we purpose to live. The problem with living in the past is that we
tend to open up one painful memory after the other. At times we are stuck in
the good memories and simply can’t resist looking at that closed door.

we know it, all we have is nostalgia and melancholy hence missing a wondrous
opportunity to make all those great memories of the past a pleasant experience
of the moment. Personally, am the kind of person who believes that we need to
embrace whatever hatred we are harboring. Embracing hate and accepting your
predicament is the first step towards recovering. It’s indeed a better way of
getting out of the rut, clearing your mind of any ebb, controlling your
emotions and learning to let go. Recounting instances of heartaches, entertaining
acts of bitterness, disappointments and pain of the past will not do us any
good. All we do is become mere caricatures and fast propelling ourselves
towards the path of destruction.
become good pretenders, always smiling while behind the mask we are bleeding. We
find ourselves in a tricky position, we become judgmental, resentful and
sometimes blind enough to discern anything useful in our lives or even among
those we associate. Our bodies are in the present but our minds and memories
are on holiday in the past. Is this the kind of life you want to live? Do you
want to be defeated easily and give up? Of course not! Realizing that pain and
happiness is part of life is the first step towards achieving fulfillment and
contentment. You need and must realize that you are the sole steward of your
life, the architect, the captain and the commander in chief. Leading a distasteful
life, lingering too long on a door that is already closed won’t help you.
being the kind of person that asks “what if” all year round, purpose and dare
to ask “what’s now”. If you are looking forward for a brighter future, then you
need to understand that what you do with your present very much informs or
influences how your future turns out. At the end of the day, life is all about
living in the present. The past is dead and buried and the future is yet to be
born. Look on the positive aspect of life, let go off your pains, your
disappointments, your heartaches, your failures, and your lost opportunities
and forge ahead into the future a whole person.
you are the kind of person who is still stuck in the past, routinely finds
yourself stuck in a rut, can’t come over looking over your shoulder and always
pessimistic, then its time you made up your mind and made something positive
out of your life. Let the past remain in the past, learn from its pain and joys
and use it to launch the joys of the future. In the final analysis, keep in
mind the words from Mathew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about
its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” Purpose to believe in yourself and let go off the pains of the past!
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