Friday, February 14, 2014

Is Valentines Worth All The Fuss?

I have a feeling that some of you actually cringed at this title (the sentimental few and the hopeless romantics). It's allowed. After all, we have our opinions, preferences and even different ways through which we express love. However, setting aside a day for expression of love seems a bit fallacious to me. Today apparently is the day when everything has to be done right, the setting needs to be perfect, the choice of music scintillating, the choice of food instructive, the choice of venue sensual and the choice of gift memorable.

Today, people from different corners of the world expect to be showered with love in ways they haven't experienced in a long time. While this is perfectly acceptable, I find it ridiculous that people should go out of their comfort zone just to mark a day that has no sentimental value (my opinion folks).

Today, many things will happen and people will experience different emotions. There are those who will shed tears of joy, others will be agonizing over empty promises, others will be proposed to and surely as hell, breakups are bound to be noted here and there. Humans have mastered the art of treachery and pretense. We say what is convenient simply to suit the situation and not what we really mean. In this regard, I urge the hopeless romantics not to believe every word they hear, not to be moved by the candle lit dinners and not to feel indebted as to drive down the passion road as a way of showing their gratitude. 

this lens' photo
Today, people will do things they don't like, listen to music they probably don't like, say words they probably don't mean, and go to places they normally wouldn’t . There are those who would redefine the whole meaning of living a lie. In my own opinion, I think we’ve watched too many movies that we don't seem to make a clear demarcation between what is real and what belongs to the world of fantasies. Others will take a loan and fly to exotic places just to get laid and there are those who will be drinking their sorrows away for reasons best known to themselves. I mean, is valentine worth all the fuss?

I, the son of the retired general, think not. I plan to spend the day like any other. Drink the night away, listen to some reggae music, a bit of riddim and simply watch wrestling (yeah I love wrestling). Some of you will deem that unromantic, a bit awkward and downright insensitive so to say. Cammon! We all have a choice and I find it perfectly in order to spend my night in such a manner when everybody else will be busy living in utopia, doing things they don't like, buying gifts they can't afford and simply playing the part all under the pretext of expressing love.

If you are somewhere out there wondering how to impress him/her, stop thinking! If you didn't impress her before, chances are you won't. But then, the end justifies the means (my male counterparts agree with me on this). Ha!ha!ha! which means men are going to go out of their way just to get laid, buy expensive gifts simply to make a mark(if the age old belief is anything to go by, men and women will exploit each others weakness. Think along the lines of men being visual creatures and female being emotional creatures ahem!!). Good luck fellas. Today is the day where everything goes and you surely should give it your best shot. But then, is it worth all the fuss? I, the son of the retired general rest my case

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